Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Fun

The Tot Spot Daycare has a parade every year for Halloween. This consists of putting on our costumes and walking around town. Sometimes we have friends that join us, but usually it is just me and the tots. This year however, we had to have 3 parades! We had one on Thursday afternoon, one on Friday AM, and one on Friday PM. I had different tots during each of those times and I couldn't let someone miss out on the parade! What makes me laugh is that the kids get excited for the "parade" when it is really just a walk. When we call it a parade and have our costumes on, they just think it is the coolest thing. The weather here the past few days has been just amazing. I even saw some people in shorts who were out walking!!! The smell of fall and the colors of the leaves is beautiful. The night was perfect for Trick-or-Treating.

B's costume was Super Why! (Wyatt) from the PBS kids television station. Super Why has the Power to READ! I am happy to say that once again this year, we did not see another costume like the one he had on!

We also took our annual Halloween family photo with our carved pumpkins. Hubby and I have been taking our picture with our carved pumpkins since we started dating. This year we did the Little Einsteins for our pumpkins. The stencil kit came in The Pumpkin Patch Puzzle book. We did the 4 Einsteins and Rocket. They were so cute the night we did them but they didn't really last long. Some parts on the faces really got yucky fast.

And yes, we could only find one shoe for B when we went outside to take this picture while we had someone to take it for us!!!

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